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What is Sake?

Japan is surrounded by the ocean on all sides. 70% of Japanese land is nature. Many mountains produce much water.

A type of sake called Nihonsyu is famous alcohool in Japan. Nihonsyu need clean& pure water and polished rice.

there is a person called "Touji" in each Nihonsyu factory.This person is in caharge of all production in the factory.

Each material has bit difference in each day, and the tempereture, humedity are also diffrent. "Touji" checks all the condtion and decied how to make it in the day. It must be cheking all the time 24/7.

Those person and good materials can produce tasty Nihonsyu.

It is good for with meals and by itself.

There are 1600 of sake factory in Japan(2022/5)

We introduce difference of each factory and what is good for sake.

アンカー 1


Bring specialty and tradition from the Japanese Tradition of Sake (Japanese Alcohol) to everyone around the globe.



The Japanese Tradition of tasting sake should be shared with as many people as possible, building a deep connection between our visitors and our country.

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